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Around 40 international and national instructors make up Dragon Racing’s team of highly experienced and skilled instructors to help develop drivers from complete novices and juniors to proven race winners.

COACHING PROGRAMME – with Dragon hire cars or Owner’s car

Dragon’s coaching programme is your chance to experience real GT race cars on slick tyres sat alongside a professional GT driver coach.

Whether you’ll choose to drive one of Dragon Racing’s fleet cars or your own car, the driver coach will show you the racing lines and circuit before you jump behind the wheel of one of the selected – working on mastering the racing line, all aspects of race driving techniques & improving your smoothness, accuracy and consistency – all under professional, safe guidance.

This is how:

  1. Development of car setup and race mentality
  2. Advise on correct nutrition and supplements throughout a race weekend, as well as pre-session warm-up and post-session stretching
  3. Simulator training in pre and post-event (upon request)
  4. Pre-event notes and detailed itinerary
  5. Data and video review after each session with engineer and driver coach

SIMULATOR - It’s not just a game

A FANATEC simulator based within our HQ is where all drivers start out, understanding the circuit layout and developing the basic techniques before they hit the track. Our simulator has all of the GCC circuits so our drivers can complete the circuit familiarisation in advance of an event.



The Emirates Motor Racing Academy (EMRA) is a professional coaching body based in the UAE and endorsed by the Automobile and Touring Car Club of the UAE.

Supported by the infrastructure of Dragon Racing, EMRA provides the very highest level of circuit driver coaching available globally.

Facilitating bespoke track driving tuition for all levels of experience, the academy enables novice drivers to enjoy high levels of professional coaching, obtain their first race licence and compete in the Emirates Motorsports Organization EMSO (previously Automobile & Touring Club of the UAE, ATCUAE) licenced Race Meetings – all within the safety of a professionally recognised organisation.

For further information on the EMSO, click here

How do I get a Race Licence?

EMRA can design and deliver a bespoke race license solution to the participant based on their aspirations and budget. The academy assists drivers through their first race meeting, helping them develop their skills and enjoy being part of the UAE Motor Sports community.



Racing is at the heart of Dragon’s DNA. To prepare the next generation of race drivers, it organises an exclusive and intensive three-day racing programme at Dubai Autodrome, depending on yearly availability.

The 3 days are planned to complete an advanced race licence training programme complete with a multi-choice test, followed by a practical assessment on the racetrack and then 10 real races in your own race car or a hired race car provided by Dragon Racing.

The programme is designed to take you from a novice driver (with existing race track experience) to someone who can safely navigate a race circuit and start on the grid of any National or International race.

You will be taught driving theory, racing techniques including overtaking; grid starts; standing and rolling starts as well as the procedures for the various stages of a race, car setup methods and race rules – everything you need to obtain your race licence.

This essential qualification provided by the sport’s governing body, Emirates Motorsport Organisation (EMSO), is recognised throughout the world. It includes both academic and practical assessments, ensuring your suitability and helping to maintain safety at circuits around the country.

Contact us to know the next available dates.

The Social Dragon
